Thursday, October 22, 2009


For any of you who actively pursue the extra buck deals and register rewards deals at CVS and Walgreens, be SURE to get multiple copies of the paper this weekend! There will be two inserts and in the RedPlum insert there is supposed to be a $30 coupon off the Bayer Breeze or Contour Blood Glucose Meter. This is the meter that has given MANY opportunities for getting you free extra bucks over the course of the past 7 months (since I've been couponing). Another coupon came out for a different meter a while back, but it has not proved to be profitable yet. The Bayer one is the one that has had NUMEROUS chances for free money with it.

If you are not familiar with how this would work... Here is an example....
In the CVS ad, you will see an ad for the meter. It will say something like "on sale for $30-Get $10 back in Extra Bucks-It's like paying $20". If you have the coupon from the paper (it's for $30), you would buy the meter, use your $30 coupon to make it FREE and then they would give you $10 in extra bucks which you could use to buy anything you wanted. You would never pay a dime and you would get the meter and $10 worth of other stuff. Most of us do not need the meter, so donate it! Give it to "God's Pantry" or another organization who helps out those who are less fortunate. Those meters are EXPENSIVE and someone who has lost their job and is a diabetic would REALLY appreciate the help.

So, get MANY papers this weekend and keep an eye out for the sale. Walgreens also does the same kind of thing from time to time. HOPEFULLY this coupon will pay off this time, unlike the last one which has not. :(


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