Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bloom Super Doubles??

Thanks goes out to G-na for this heads up!!!!

G-na was at Bloom today and was asking about when they were doing triple coupons again and she was told that starting NEXT week, they will be trying out Super Double coupons for a week. If you are not familier with Super Doubles, it means that they will DOUBLE any coupon up to $1.99!!!! This makes for a LOT of free stuff using all of those 1.00 and 1.50 coupons. This is not "official" yet, but I thought I'd give you all a heads up so you can watch out for it.

She also said that they told her there was a $10 of a $40 coupon in TODAY's Greenville News so if you get the paper, be on the look out for it. Remember that you could also use that coupon at Publix because the one in Simpsonville and Mauldin both consider Bloom a competitor.


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